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Protective Underwear Surveys
Protective Underwear Surveys

Why should I register with Reckner?
Reckner conducts consumer research studies for national and international companies. Registering with us gives you the opportunity to tell them what you think of the products and services they offer to consumers. Once you register, Reckner will contact you by email to invite you to various studies. Each time you participate in one of our studies you are given a virtual incentive card for your time and insights.

Does it cost anything to join?
Participation is absolutely free! As a matter of fact, we pay you for your time and opinions! You simply need to register in order to receive invitations for our research studies. No legitimate opinion research company requires you to pay to become a member of their database.

What steps do you take to ensure that my information is protected?
Reckner does not use your information for any purpose other than the market research study in which you are participating. Your information is used to contact you, screen you, and send compensation where applicable. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.

Will you or any of the companies you work for try to sell me anything?
No. Reckner and its clients are only interested in your opinion, attitudes, and purchasing behavior regarding the products and services we ask you about.

What type of payment will I receive when I do studies?
The payment amount you will receive for completing a study will be detailed out in your study invitation. The amount paid will be based on the amount of time required to complete the study. Payments are made in the form of a virtual Visa card which is emailed to you upon completion of the study.

Do I have to participate in every study that I receive an invitation for?
No. You have the right to decide which surveys you participate in. Not every topic will be appealing to every person. Feel free to opt out or not respond to a given invitation if you feel you are not the right person or if you are too busy to participate. Reckner does numerous studies in a given year so there will be many opportunities for you to complete a study for us!

How does the product look when it arrives?
The product usually arrives in a plain cardboard box and the actual product is in bags. Instructions are always included.

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